Apr 17Liked by Patricia Hurducaș

reading you now made me think of this book i enjoyed a little while ago, it's literally poetry on cities: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59334639-imagine-a-city

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Ah, thanks so much for recommending this book, Kev! ❤️

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I resonate with your words a lot because I, too, found a renewed sense of self upon discovering belonging in a place completely foreign to me, and yet, so oddly familiar. I believe that while travelling cannot solve our problems, it does offer us yet-to-be-defined spaces, which can create a resonance within us, opening us to change.

And, as you write, “Grief and loss change our sense of urgency; they bypass our chaotic ways of paying attention to the world.” I believe that, too, plays a big role here. When we become more attuned to ourselves and the world, we finally enable ourselves to see what we’ve been looking for all along.

Therefore, perhaps, sometimes the most adventurous journey is the one we take within, day by day, regardless of what land our feet stand upon.

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